Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Post-Christmas Post

In between the Original-Star Trek and -Star Wars DVDs, games for the Wii, the Led Zep CDs, smellies and choccies, socks, slippers, cardies, and all the other pressies received (that's my 'almost a Roger McGough poem' out of the way), I did get a few knitting presents for Christmas:

So I now have all the standard size needles and a new case (mum), some 'current knitting project carry-bags' (sister), and a new pattern book (dad) called Haiku Knits, one of the random choices I put on my Christmas list, but it turns out to have some absolutely gorgeous items in it (including one for my 15mm needles) that I'm desperate to start! Unfortunately, I don't have the right kinds of wool for any yet - and that's despite using my 'sales' money on as many balls as I could fit in the basket at Wilkinsons:

Note the faux-Noro! ;) I was tempted to buy them out of all the wool they had - only £1.27 a ball, after all, and they barely had £60 worth in the entire shop! But their carrier bags were too small...

I wasn't able to continue with the dress whilst away doing the family thing - too much to carry, and I didn't have my knitting carry-bags at the time! But I wasn't completely idle, as I decided to get on with the Phildar jumper pattern from my Recycle-balls post:

I came close to running out of freshly unpicked supplies right before having to come home, so the timing was good.

I think it's going to be a busy and productive New Year... \:D/

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