Tuesday 12 April 2011

Complete Flower Power!

Knitters and vaguely interested followers of the world - it has finally happened!! I've finished something I started years ago!!! Well, OK, seven months ago, but it's felt like FOREVER!!

Just to recap, Grey Embroidered Dress began life as a copy-cat project: I liked this dress from White Stuff:

but it was too expensive to buy. So I used the outline pattern of this dress from Stefanie Japel's Fitted Knits:

using grey wool I bought on eBay (which was far to light and thin and has therefore left a few uneven stitches here and there, but I don't care), and after much time, alterations and embroidery, I am really, really pleased with the outcome, even with its flaws! I think it's FAB!! :D


  1. I'm completely impressed at this dress, in fact I prefer your dress to the original one!! Well done! Amyxxx


  2. Thanks, Amy! I surprised even myself... :D
