Friday, 22 June 2012

Finishing touches...

I used to have this tam which my Nan gave me. I'm pretty sure she'd bought it from a charity shop, but I really liked it. It was striped and originally from St Michaels (M&S). And then I lost it, I suspect at work. My suspicions were even more confirmed when I saw it on the head of a student. Problem is, I can only assume it was my hat - I can't prove it; I haven't fully searched my cupboards and draws at home, but I think the odds of a student having an old hat exactly the same as mine are slim - just not impossible. So I've been thinking for a while about knitting a replacement the lost tam (and yet still not about searching my mounds of clothes to see if it's still around...!).

When I saw the pattern in Hats for the 'Fair Isle tam', I thought it would make the perfect replacement. But the Fair Isle bit, although it looks great and perfectly possible, seemed too much like hard work. Luckily I still have a stash of striped sock wool from Wilkinson's to use up, which was the perfect way to cheat through this pattern:

I had to use an old hairband to elasticate it. It should make a suitable replacement, though... Until i can finally get around to searching for the missing hat...
The good news is, I finally finished the baby pouch for my future niece/nephew, now complete with teddy bear buttons which will be an absolute bugger to open in a hurry... :)

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