Tuesday 21 June 2011

Monkey do...

I know I've been a bit skimpy with my updates lately. I could provide lots of excuses, but it doesn't matter. The knitting has been continuing, however. I've been trying to complete the bright pink jumper using the wool Nan got me for my birthday and the pattern from Brave New Knits, but I'm currently working on the sleeves and the pattern is suddenly becoming very complicated. I'm trying to decide whether to try and decipher what it's going on about, or to improvise... Yes it will probably end badly...

Meantime, Darwin Davey himself is complete, as is the skull he's meant to be holding. The thing is, he's so cute, I'm not sure I want to limit him to a lifetime of contemplating a poorly knitted skull whilst sitting atop a pile of knitted books. I think I can finally understand why people like dressing up monkeys! I'm extremely tempted to knit him the entire back catalogue of Doctor Who outfits... for starters... So, for now, I've cheated by only safety pinning the skull to his paw and by sitting him on my iPad with the iBooks application open... It's close enough! In the modern sense.

For myself (as if Darwin Davey isn't for me!!? I mean clothes-wise...), in frustration at the number of times I was having to reread the Brave New Knits pattern, I moved on to a design of my own. Admittedly I'm using, for the basis, a pattern from Sensual Knits and it's my attempt to copy the top Eowyn wears in LotR: Return of the King, but giving it a modern twist. I've finished the back, and have just started the front. Complications will doubtless arise with the neck line, but I'm sure I'll work it out... eventually... I decided to do embroidery, rather than try and knit the pretty swirling patterns directly on to the top, as they turned out to be more complicated than my charting abilities could cope with...


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